Sunday, February 24, 2008


BEASTMASTER IS SO BEASTLY, thats all i really have to say about beastmaster. its the cream of the CROP. Maybe when you are sitting in your mog house jerking off MARSUPIALS. you'll realize you need to level BEASTMASTER PRONTO style.

SO last night was packed with loads of action, dinged 75. Then had to deathwarp. So i'm still 74. Hooker nose.

ANYWAYS I GET THIS /tell and its all like "YO LETS CHECK SOME NMZ", and i'm like "OK!"

So me and this MASTER BEASTMASTER Ennayram go check some ancient gOoBZ, OH SHIT HES UP.

^^^ Me obviously excited about the occasion. First attempt at the ol' goob.

As you can tell in the below screenshot this amateur GOOB know who is the boss. JUST LOOK!

HA, he bows before my greatness. He knows whats up. hes like omg you are MURDERING me i BOW BEFORE YOUR GREATNESS.


After the tree, we go on some more NM hunts and end up in the LABRYITN OF ZONZO

aaaa a aaa
^ I dunno, dumb blog messed up.

Anyways we find this Goblin nm and hes like YO, Kill me! We obliged, oh and some newb Alessandra came back from afk and decided to come join the SLAUGHTERING.

Alastors blog sucks btw.

^^ Dollas, not sure what its supposed to drop, I guess some dancer shit, this newb thief was there like, OMG DONT KILL PLZ MY FRIEND NEEDZ AND IS ON THE WAY. But Alessandra the ASSHOLE(lie i love you!), was like "LOL STEAL IT AND KILL IT AND TAKE ITS SHIRT OFF". That really happened.

-------->< > _---------
Anyways around this time Enn is like "YO, I got other shit to do peace fags."

So me and Alessandra are like, lets go sex in Gustav. So we did. Found no NMs to sex so the WOMAN is all like lets goto KUFTAL and check some nms, and im like word. So sadly I follow this WOMAN which was my first mistake. this WOMAN leads us straight into a dead end wasting precious time!

Typical WOMAN.

So we get to Kuftal and find this BLOODTHIRST MADKOX and alessandra is like, WORD HE DROPS AN AXE THAT I HAVENT GOTTEN IN LIKE A YEAR OMG. So me being the beastly man I am I r like, "Lets do it."

Since im so beastly and considered a roman god to many south american natives. It drops.


SO THE LOT OFF GOES DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Congrats to aless on this hott waste of storage space!

In other words, Penis loves Blackomega, and by golly he loves it back.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Aquarius ROUND TWO

OK SO HERES THE DEAL, i'm xping in the tree. competing with the RMT on Goobz when I get a fab idea. GONNA SOLO AQUARIUS AGAIN B/C FOR SOME REASON ANCIENT GOOBZ is not up, major FAIL. So I think it'll take awhile to pop him... WRONG! Hes just chillin'. Hanging out. Jerking off IGUANAS.

So I pull him up to the top floor to own him with BLACK MANDIEZ.

Then i goto TOWN whooping that ASS

So all of a sudden I figure this is way to easy. SO I decide to MISCHARM on PURPOSE.

Because I NEVER EVER mischarm. It just DOESN'T HAPPEN. Period.

But because I am a GENIUS and understand beastmaster like a MASTER i called out Carrie and SNARLED, totally gnarly.

Here are the Drizzy opz(ALREADY GOT AXE)

Look at all that sexy moneyz.

So after doing that I decided to go solo Fafnir.

Didn't want the other LS to get mad at me for soloing so I decided to PURPOSELY misCHARM again.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ok alessendra.

BREAKFAST NEVER TASTED SO GOOD. SO while me and Alessandra are xping shes like 'omg im soooooooo hungry.' and i'm like 'word, me too.' so shes like 'ok lets break i'll be back in ten minutes.' and im like 'OK WORD.'

^^ Not photoshopped.

Ok so anyways, i finish cooking and eatting my breakfast and aless is still not back. I cry. Thrice.

Now, i'm no doctor of math or a doctor of time. But i'm pretty sure that isn't 10 minutes.

I waited. Cried again. Then she returned and said I was loser and killed 2 more mobs then left with her lesbian friend.

Little XP


Been xping in various spots on my route to 75. One of the best spots that I experienced was definitely Aydeewa Subterrane.

It was dope im a champion I xped and made money.
oh AND

^^^ Lily discussing some of her family issues or some shit.

After xping with Alessandra in Bibiki for a bit I decided to go PEEP all up on the tree see how the xp is. kind of SLOW but still fun and makes decent money!



WHM Needs some love too


OK SO HERE WE GO, i'm camping tiamat b/c I want fast boots and I get this tell from my lover Alessandra. She is all like, "YO SWITCH TO BST AND WE CAN GET IN THIS PTY AND KILL SOME XOLOLXOL"

Personally I came. Twice. Switched to BST and came out for some action(SEE BELOW PICTURE!)

Of course we got full drops b/c we had TH4:


SO, been forever since I updated this nonsense. SO HERE COMeS ALOT OF UDPATESSDS

I was hanging out and felt like getting some Aquarius, so me and my buddy Lexx (who wanted skill ups) decided to ROLL OUT. So i'm 68 at BST/NIN and within about 30 mins aquarius pops. So i'm like "YO HOMIE, CHILL IMMA SOLO THIS AT 68." WELL. Everything was rocking, killing the newb with many pets. THEN I see a goob. I think to myself, "I bet these rock as pets." so, I try to charm...... and fail.

So Lexx who had a beast beastmater on another toon is like, "YO DUDE, YOU CANT CHARM GOOBZ LOL!" so he kited the goob for me, somewhat. It kept running after me and taking down my shadows and aquarius was getting mad hits in. Fortunately for me I knew Ennayram was soloing goobz on top level so i'm "YO HELP AQUARIUS GONNA KILL ME!" so he strolls down with his black mandy and finishes aquarius off (He was at 6% so I did alright.)
